Sunday, December 7, 2014

Download Project Omega Codes

Here is a new link for you to download the copy of  Brandon Levon's Project Omega Codes!

Help spread this information, Brandon Levon was killed for it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Omega Codes .PDF

This information needs to reach the masses, please spread and promote this .pdf

Old World Secrets Project Omega Codes

Download below:

Excerpts from BibliotecaPleyades

From: "Draco S."
I am honored when another places trust in me, so therefore I am trustworthy.

At present, just like for you, I cannot afford to eat every day. Whenever this situation pisses me off (which quite is often) I remind myself that there are countless others who are WAY worse off - that is always a sobering thought... and then I focus on every tiny thing I can ferret out that's good in my life.

Depending on how bereft one is, this can take a moment or half the day. If you can't FIND anything good in present time, scan your memory banks for past pleasure moments and re-call them. Once again depending on your level of depression/despondency this can be easy or difficult, but once one pleasure moment is accessed, a cascade phenomena starts to occur.

If nasty memories surface or ones that cause pain, just ignore them, say, "Not going there, no sale" and doggedly pursue more pleasing reminiscences. Try it, works for me most of the time. Crying is good too sometimes, if nothing else works - very cathartic. Nothing wrong with unabashingly bawling your eyes out. It cleans all the dust out of your eyes, for a start! All things must pass... all is transitory. Your "long dark tea-time of the soul" too will pass away.

The "malign ones" may appear to promote or cause chaos... but in truth they are in fact terrified of true "chaos."

The type of chaos espoused by these types is NOT chaos, it is their imposition of order, and although the results/events may seem chaotic to humans, they are not... all the events are orchestrated as you well know. They hate and despise the true Chaos, (the real Goddess - not their disempowered/misempowered version of her) because she cannot be "controlled"... the energy that pervades and connects all, the power from which all forms arise, can never be controlled in the manner the malign ones would wish.

It can be diverted, twisted, turned and inverted to create a labyrinth with which to be-muse and a-maze, but, as you have pointed out, "the unexpected happens when you least expect it", and it is that very thing that they hate and fear most. As it has been said, the best laid plans of mice and men go astray. Look to the ideas/things/all that are suppressed the most, for within the wisdom contained therein are clues to their undoing.

Deepest Purple, I have three words for you - "nil illegitimo carborundum" - don't let the bastards grind you down.

Take a lesson from the little birds... they still sing, even though it is winter, for they know the spring will come again... and while they wait, and times are hard, they have those such as yourself, who feed them and they in turn, feed your soul with their presence.

Do not fear that the cessation of the crop circles was loss of contact or a bad omen... it was not - rather it was simply harvest time in southern England where 90% of the circles form... There will be more circles in due season.

Like you, I too was aware that I was here to awaken the lost tribes of time, and indeed this was the original plan, however, as we have discovered, this has proved exceedingly difficult, nay, almost impossible. Contingency plans are being drawn up, and our only task at this time is simply to watch.

The watcher reports and adjustments are made.

As you have reiterated, there is no "free will" in a world where people are covertly manipulated and controlled, and one would think that this alone would be a wake up call for humans, now that it has been exposed... but as I have said, this mission is proving to be much more difficult than was originally anticipated. No one ever said planet taming was easy! ...especially when high magick is afoot.

We must be ever vigilant to a-void the machinations of Dr. Von Hamsterwheel and Colonel Ballzar Schweddy.

In the mean-time I have been gleaning further info.

I have turned my attention, once again, to obscure ancient earth texts. I share with you, the following "article". It was written to post in a forum of which I am a meme-burr, but to date I have not posted it.

It is my hope that it will help you feel better.

The texts confirm that the "elder gods" or "Anunnaki" were, in fact, not the first "gods" and that a race or races known as the Ancient Ones pre-dated the arrival of the "elder gods"/Anunnaki.

The Ancient Ones had come from the stars many eons earlier and had established an extremely advanced culture.

The Anunnaki, although initially accepted, and very technologically advanced themselves, subsequently caused immense problems and a war broke out. It seems this was no small battle, indeed, it changed the entire face of the earth and irrevocably altered the course of life thereon. The texts go on to say that the "elder gods" or the "Anunnaki" produced/created mankind as a slave/workforce.

Were these Anunnaki the legendary dragons as some have suggested, or do the legends of these magical creatures and their nebulous world, refer to the ancient race that existed prior to the arrival of the Anunnaki? Were they eradicated/modified by this invasion/rebellion?

There are many who view the Anunnaki genetic modifications on this planet as an upgrade to the race of beings existing on earth at the time, but considering the overweening arrogance and warlike behavior of the Anunnaki themselves and of some of our world leaders (who claim to be their descendants through their affiliations with various secret societies), it makes one wonder. As a species, man has more genetic defects/diseases than any other.

Was the Anunnaki gene manipulation an upgrade... Or was it in fact a downgrade?

Strangely, it clearly states in the Sumerian texts that the genes of the commander of the army of the ANCIENT ONES combined with ANUNNAKI genes were used to "create" man...

Could be the true story behind the "fall from paradise"? It may be seen as odd that the Anunnaki would combine their own genes with that of their ancient enemy, however it seems that they viewed this as some type of punishment or binding of the spirit of the Ancient Ones.

According to Sumerian sacred texts, the "elder gods" (the Anunnaki), battled with and destroyed the Ancient Ones, and specifically Tiamat, their queen, the ancient of days, who is described as a "great wicked serpent" or "mighty dragon". Also described are her many strange allies - serpent men, dragons, sphinxes (lion-men), centaurs, dog-men and scorpion-men.

The titanic battle raged for ten years or more, laying waste to the earth and its inhabitants...

The Anunnaki eventually won the battle and they divided up parts of the earth between them. It is only after this that mankind was "created" as a slave race. The Anunnaki were a race of warlords, for they often fought amongst themselves and involved humans in their endless power struggles and petty jealousies.

It has been said that the "myths" of centaurs, satyrs, unicorns, dragons, elves etc. were the results of early genetic experiments of the Anunnaki, but the Sumerian texts state the creatures/monsters were allies of Tiamat.

Were the original dragons/elves/fairy folk, in fact, the Ancient Ones spoken of in the texts?

Did the Anunnaki destroy a civilization, the mythical "land before time", and by tampering with genetic codes, attempt genocide on a global scale and deliberately conceal any memory of or reference to this civilization?

Did they teach mankind wonders or did they just twist and pervert ancient wisdom?

No doubt there were "runaway slaves" hidden in the caverns of the earth and also other survivors who had escaped the unwelcome attentions of the Anunnaki and their captive breeding programs. The texts tell us that there were renegade Anunnaki as well, and it speculated that Enki himself may have returned to the underworld.

From these came the myths of Hollow Earth, Shamballah, Agartha... and legends of great treasures and mines guarded by the gnomes. (genomes?)

Elves and Others, may have taken refuge in the mountains and forests and "desolate places", giving rise to their own "myths". As the world came more and more under the influence of the Anunnaki, many of these too, may have fled below the surface.

It is well documented that there are vast networks of tunnels and huge caverns beneath the earth, some caused by volcanic activity and some artificial in origin. Many strange "cults" sprang from these stories, many of which persist to this very day, which in itself has caused much mischief.

It appears these elder gods/Anunnaki, were terrified of the Ancient Ones and dreaded their foretold return, fearing that they would reclaim the earth and take revenge on them. For this reason they devised many "magical" and other occult diverse means to prevent this from occurring.

After all, this would mean that the "slave race" that the Anunnaki had "created", and who contained the genetic codes of the "ancient ones" might awaken and seek their freedom.

One can see that this would cause the Anunnaki overlords to be terror stricken and would necessitate stringent control measures be imposed on the slaves.

Thus was born religion and other hierarchical structures of control, suppression and subjugation.

And what of humans, the odd genetic consequence of all this meddling?

Is this the reason why humanity seems to be suffering from collective post traumatic stress disorder?

As it says in the Sumerian texts:

"Man is born of sadness, for he is of the Blood of the Ancient Ones, but has the Spirit of the Elder Gods breathed into him. And his heart goes to the Ancient Ones, but his mind is turned towards the Elder Gods, and this is the war which shall be always fought, unto the last generation of man; for the world is unnatural."

Does this not imply that the previously understood "natural order" was disrupted in some fundamental way when the civilization of the Ancients was destroyed?

Is the famous "cradle of civilization", in reality a coffin of a bygone golden age lost in the mists of time?

We are told that civilization abruptly emerged 6,000 to 8,000 years ago in ancient Sumer, (now known as Iraq).

Could it be that at that time everything was altered by belligerent beings with dubious intent and ruthless methods?

In the texts the Anunnaki demonstrate their fear and hatred of the Ancient Ones, by describing them as "crawling chaos" and blaming them for all manner of hideous horror. But the texts also reveal the Anunnaki themselves, as a fierce, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and conquering race, with a vested interest in keeping their "creations" ignorant about their true origins.

That being the case, we can speculate that the ways of the Ancients were diametrically opposed to those of the Anunnaki.

Were the Ancient Ones aware of and did they utilize chaos theory and the fractal nature of consciousness in the creation of their forgotten world?

And humanity, blissfully unaware of all this for the most part, still struggles on living the lies and bearing the terrible karmic burden of these unspeakable deeds.

But it is also written:

"Know that Tiamat seeks ever to rise to the stars, and when the Upper is united to the Lower, then a New Age will come of Earth, and the Serpent shall be made whole, and the Waters will be as One"

Speaking of Water...

If you have ever had any doubt that your thoughts affect everything in and around you, this info will put that doubt to rest.

Humanity may yet become as wise as a serpent/dragon and as gentle as a dove, when we recognize and accept our own personal power and wield this power with wisdom and responsibility. Then what is gained is communion with the earth and star energies - converse with the "dragon" currents in the land below and the constellations above.

When this power is exploited, abused or unacknowledged, these energies take the form of ones shadow and will be a source of trouble until resolution is born. Always remember we came to this place to transmute/transform errant energies thereby re-connecting and re-weaving threads long broken, to re-store that which was lost.

I know only too well that to be a Dragon on this earth in these strange daze is fraught with peril, but it has long been so. In this bad place it is all to easy to become ensnared in the collective thought-form, which is extremely hostile to beings like us. We must ever strive to re-member, re-deem and re-fine our own being and as we do we will find that being in touch with the Mys-stories of the Multiverses.

This only scratches the surface. I am making some significant connections (for me at least) of late, and if you are interested, I can continue to share them with you. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

Be at peace, my brother.

Lo phi
Draco S.
(Self Existing Dragon and World Bridger)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Old World Secrets

Your journey back to the beginning, starts here.....

Download the Project Omega Codes on .PDF here
All credit goes to Brandon Levon, RIP.
MR. Levon was murdered because of exposing the TRUTH that is contained in this book.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

New World Order

Todays Topic is the "New World Order"

These are my views and opinions on this subject, possibly some of you will have the same.
The concept of a New world order is not anything new, although in the awakening consciousness of some it may be, but who or what is the New World Order? many ideas today center around the trade and financial structure of the current world, there is no doubt that currency is manipulated to control the masses, the same with agricultural facilities such as Monsanto and Olgacom that are responsible for ousting many legit farming communities and polluting the air with chemtrails. now take into account the financial structure, as we near 2012 is it any coincidence that the world economy is on the brink? there is a saying "Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, give a man a bank and he can rob the world", Does anyone question the federal reserve? how they get there money? or the fact that this paper money traded the world over is not based upon any value but rather a digit in a computer system, currency printed out of nothing and yet dividing the world into hard times, turmoil and war. the currency being traded again is devised by the current financial structure that is backed by the biggest banks in the world, most significant are those owned by the Rothchilds who approximately own 50% of the entire worlds wealth. The Rothchilds, which translated means "Red child", are a very large family that believe they have the actual bloodline of the beginning of creation, hence "Red child". Here is a further breakdown on my account and research from the beginning until now;

1. Ancient Ones - overthrown by the Elder Gods (Anunnaki)
2. Anunnaki - made many creations, one being the Adamu (adam) projects, the bloodlines of Anunnaki/Ancient Ones are RH- (specifically O negative) , RH+ are apart of the Adamu projects.
3. Ancient Sumeria - this is the first civilization and also created the first banking structure of trading sea shells for goods. Also settlers branch off into Europe and Bavaria as the Sum-Aryan race.
4. Egypt - Bloodlines of Sumeria can be traced to Egypt.
5. Rome - Bloodlines from Egypt are traced to Rome, the Vatican then creates Catholicism/Christianity and descends the world into the dark ages.
6. England - Bloodlines of Rome then descend to England, creating the so called "royal" family that has illegally climbed to power and suppressed all those that challenge it.
7. USA - These bloodlines now carry over to the United States, almost every president elect has been related to the "Royal" family and also continues to fund the huge corporations responsible for keeping the worlds "Status Quo".

As well as many other "Psyops" that are used across the globe to keep the masses confused, at war about currency, Religion, etc. So in conclusion I believe this to be a general draft of the Bloodlines and Parties that are considered the New World Order, but also I would like to pose this question, is the New World order a plan that is being implemented? or a strategy that has been set in place thousands of years ago? and what are we the people to do about it?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The Necronomicon

There was a battle between the forces of "light" and "darkness" (so-called) that took place long before man was created, before even the cosmos as we know it existed. it is described fully in the Enuma Elish and in the basterdized version found in the NECRONOMICON, and involved the Ancient Ones, led by the serpent MUMMU-TIAMAT and her male counterpart ABSU, against the ELDER GODS (called such in the N.) led by the Warrior MARDUK, son of the sea god ENKI, Lord of Magicians of this Side, or what would be called the "White Magicians" -although close of the myths of ancient times makes one pause before attempting to judge which of the two warring factions were "good" or "evil". Marduk won this battle -in much the same way that later St. George and St. Michael would defeat the Serpent again -the cosmos was created from the body of the slain Serpent, and man was created from the body of the slain commander of the Ancient Army, KINGU, thereby making man a descendent of the Blood of the Enemy, as well as the "breath" of the Elder Gods: a close parallel to the "sons of God and daughters of men" reference in the Old Testament.
From "The Magan Text" of the Necronomicon, Avon Books, 1980, 159.


THE verses here following come from the secret text of some of the priests of a cult which is all that is left of the Old Faith that existed before Babylon was built, and it was originally in their tongue, but I have put it into the Golden Speech of my country so that you may understand it. I came upon this text in my early wanderings in the region of the Seven Fabled Cities of UR, which are no more, and it tells of the War between the Gods that took place in a time beyond the memory of man. And the horrors and ugliness that the Priest will encounter in his Rites are herein described, and their reasons, and their natures, and Essences. And the Number of the Lines is Sacred, and the Word are Sacred, and are most potent charms against the Evil Ones. And surely some Magicians of the country do write them on parchment or clay, or on pottery, or in the air, that they might be efficacious thereby, and that the Gods will remember the words of the Covenant.
I copied these words down in my tongue and kept them faithfully these many years, and my own copy will go with me to the place where I will go when my Spirit is torn from the body. But heed these words well, and remember! For remembering is the most important and most potent magic, being the Remembrance of Things Past and the Remembrance of Things to Come, which is the same Memory. And do not show this text to the uninitiated, for it hath caused madness, in men and in beasts.

The Text:

Hearken, and Remember!
In the Name of ANU, Remember!
In the Name of ENLIL, Remember!
In the Name of ENKI, Remember!
When on High the Heavens had not been named,
The Earth had not been named,
And Naught existed but the Seas of ABSU,
The Ancient One,
And MUMMU TIAMAT, the Ancient One
Who bore them all,
Their Waters as One Water.
At this time, before the ELDER GODS had been brought forth,
Uncalled by Name,
Their destinies unknown and undetermined,
Then it was that the Gods were formed within the Ancient Ones.
LLMU and LLAAMU were brought forth and called by Name,
And for Ages they grew in age and bearing.
ANSHAR and KISHAR were brought forth,
And brought forth ANU
Who begat NUDIMMUD, Our Master ENKI,
Who has no rival among the Gods.
The Elder Ones came together
They disturbed TIAMAT, the Ancient One, as they surged back and forth.
Yea, they troubled the belly of TIAMAT
By their Rebellion in the abode of Heaven.
ABSU could not lessen their clamour
TIAMAT was speechless at their ways.
Their doings were loathsome unto the Ancient Ones.
ABSU rose up to slay the Elder Gods by stealth.
With magick charm and spell ABSU fought,
But was slain by the sorcery of the Elder Gods.
And it was their first victory.
His body was lain in an empty Space
In a crevice of the heavens
He was lain,
But his blood cried out to the Abode of Heaven.
Filled with an Evil Motion
Let us make Monsters
That they may go out and do battle
Against these Sons of Iniquity
The murderous offspring who have destroyed
A God.
HUBUR arose, She who fashioneth all things,
And possessor of Magick like unto Our Master.
She added matchless weapons to the arsenals of the Ancient Ones,
She bore Monster-Serpents
Sharp of tooth, long of fang,
She filled their bodies with venom for blood
Roaring dragons she has clothed with Terror
Has crowned them with Halos, making them as Gods,
So that he who beholds them shall perish
And, that, with their bodies reared up
None might turn them back.
She summoned the Viper, the Dragon, and the Winged Bull,
The Great Lion, the Mad-God, and the Scorpion-Man.
Mighty rabid Demons, Feathered-Serpents, the Horse-Man,
Bearing weapons that spare no
Fearless in Battle,
Charmed with the spells of ancient sorcery,
. . . withal Eleven of this kind she brought forth
With KINGU as Leader of the Minions.
Our Master
Fearing defeat, summoned his Son
Summoned his Son
The Son of Magick
Told him the Secret Name
The Secret Number
The Secret Shape
Whereby he might do battle
With the Ancient Horde
And be victorious.
Brightest Star among the Stars
Strongest God among the Gods
Son of Magick and the Sword
Child of Wisdom and the Word
Knower of the Secret Name
Knower of the Secret Number
Knower of the Secret Shape
He armed himself with the Disc of Power
In chariots of Fire he went forth
With a shouting Voice he called the Spell
With a Blazing Flame he filled his Body
Dragons, Vipers, all fell down
Lions, Horse-Men, all were slain.
The Mighty creatures of HUBUR were slain
The Spells, the Charms, the Sorcery were broken.
Naught but TIAMAT remained.
The Great Serpent, the Enormous Worm
The Snake with iron teeth
The Snake with sharpened claw
The Snake with Eyes of Death,
She lunged at MARDUK
With a roar
With a curse
She lunged.
MARDUK struck with the Disc of Power
Blinded TIAMAT's Eyes of Death
The Monster heaved and raised its back
Struck forth in all directions
Spitting ancient words of Power
Screamed the ancient incantations
MARDUK struck again and blew
An Evil Wind into her body
Which filled the raging, wicked Serpent
MARDUK shot between her jaws
The Charmed arrow of ENKI's Magick
MARDUK struck again and severed
The head of TIAMAT from its body.
And all was silent.
Took the Tablets of Destiny
Hung them around his neck.
Acclaimed of the Elder Gods was he.
First among the Elder Ones was he.
He split the sundered TIAMAT in twain
And fashioned the heavens and the earth,
With a Gate to keep the Ancient Ones Without.
With a Gate whose Key is hid forever
Save to the Sons of MARDUK
Save to the Followers of Our Master
First in Magick among the Gods.
From the Blood of KINGU he fashioned Man.
He constructed Watchtowers for the Elder Gods
Fixing their astral bodies as constellations
That they may watch the Gate of ABSU
The Gate of TIAMAT they watch
The Gate of KINGU they oversee
The Gate whose Guardian is IAK SAKKAK they bind.
All the Elder Powers resist
The Force of Ancient Artistry
The Magick Spell of the Oldest Ones
The Incantation of the Primal Power
The Mountain KUR, the Serpent God
The Mountain MASHU, that of Magick
The Dead KUTULU, Dead but Dreaming
TIAMAT, Dead but Dreaming
ABSU, KINGU, Dead but Dreaming
And shall their generation come again?
From a Time before Time
From a Land beyond the Stars
From the Age when ANU walked the earth
In company of Bright Angels.
We have survived the first War
Between the Powers of the Gods
And have seen the wrath of the Ancient Ones
Dark Angels
Vent upon the Earth
We have survived the Age when ABSU ruled the Earth
And the Power destroyed out generations.
We have survived on tops of mountains
And beneath the feet of mountains
And have spoken with the Scorpions
In allegiance and were betrayed.
And TIAMAT has promised us nevermore to attack
With water and with wind.
But the Gods are forgetful.
Beneath the Seas of NAR MATTARU
Beneath the Seas of the Earth, NAR MATTARU
Beneath the World lays sleeping
The God of Anger, Dead but Dreaming
The God of CUTHALU, Dead but Dreaming!
The Lord of KUR, calm but thunderous!
The One-Eyes Sword, cold but burning!
He who awakens Him calls the ancient
Vengeance of the Elder Ones
The Seven Glorious Gods
of the Seven Glorious Cities
Upon himself and upon the World
And old vengeance . . .
Know that our years are the years of War
And our days are measured as battles
And every hour is a Life
Lost to the Outside
Those from Without
Have builded up charnel houses
To nourish the fiends of TIAMAT
And the Blood of the weakest here
Is libation unto TIAMAT
Queen of the Ghouls
Wreaker of Pain
And to invoke her
The Red Water of Life
Need be split on a stone
The stone struck with a sword
That hath slain eleven men
Sacrifices to HUBUR
So that the Strike ringeth out
And call TIAMAT from Her slumber
From her sleep in the Caverns
Of the Earth.
And none may dare entreat further
For to invoke Death is to utter
The final prayer.
Of the Generations of the Ancient Ones
The account of the generations
Of the Ancient Ones here rendered
Of the generations of the Ancient Ones
Here remembered.
Cold and Rain that erode all things
They are the Evil Spirits
In the creation of ANU spawned
Plague Gods
And the Beloved Sons of ENG
The Offspring of NINNKIGAL
Rending in pieces on high Bringing destruction below
They are Children of the Underworld
Loudly roaring on high
Gibbering loathsomely below
They are the bitter venom of the Gods.
The great storms directed from heaven
Those are they
The Owl, Messenger of UGGI
Lord of Death
Those they are
The highest walls
The thickest walls
The strongest walls
Like a flood they pass
From house to house
They ravage
No door can shut them out
No bolt can turn them back
Through the door like snakes they slide
Through the bolts like winds they blow
Pulling the wife from the embrace of the husband
Snatching the child from the loins of man
Banishing the man from his home, his land
The spirit of the harlot that hath died in the streets
The spirit of the woman that hath died in childbirth
The spirit of the woman that hath dies, weeping with a babe at the breast
The spirit of an evil man
One that haunteth the streets
Or one that haunteth the bed.
They are Seven!
Seven are they!
Those Seven were born in the Mountains of MASHU
Called Magick
They dwell within the Caverns of the Earth
Amid the desolate places of the Earth they live
Amid the places between
The Places
Unknown in heaven and in earth
They are arrayed in terror
Among the Elder Gods there is no knowledge of them
They have no name
Not in heaven
Nor on earth
They ride over the Mountain of Sunset
And on the Mountain of Dawn they cry
Through the Caverns of the Earth they creep
Amid the desolate places of the Earth they lie
Nowhere are they known
Not in heaven
Nor in the Earth
Are they discovered
For their place is outside our place
And between the angles of the Earth
They lie in wait
Crouching for the Sacrifice
Falling like rain from the sky
Issuing like mist from the earth
Doors do not stop them
Bolts do not stop them
They glide in at the doors like serpents
They enter by the windows like the wind
IDPA they are, entering by the head
NAMTAR they are, entering by the heart
UTUK they are, entering by the brow
ALAL they are, entering by the chest
GIGIM they are, seizing the bowels
TELAL they are, grasping the hand
URUKU they are, giant Larvae, feeding on the Blood
They are Seven!
Seven are They!
They seize all the towers
Yet UR knows them not
Yet NIPPUR does not know them
They have brought down the mighty
Of all the mighty Cities of man
Yet man knows them not
Yes the Cities do not know them
They have struck down the forests of the East
And have flooded the Lands of the West
Yet the East knows them not
Yet the West does not know them
They are a hand grasping at the neck
Yet the neck does not know them
And man knows them not.
Their words are Unwrit
Their numbers are Unknown
Their shapes are all Shapes
Their habitations
The desolate places where their Rites are performed
Their habitations
The haunts of man where a sacrifice has been offered
Their habitations
The lands here
And cities here
And the lands between the lands
The cities between the cities
In spaces no man has ever walked
The country from whence no traveller returns
In the altar of the Temple of the Dead
At their Mother's breast
At the Foundations of CHAOS
And at the Gates
Of the Forgotten Generations of Man
And was not Man created from the blood of KINGU
Commander of the hordes of the Ancient Ones?
Does not man possess in his spirit
The sees of rebellion against the Elder Gods?
And the blood of Man is the Blood of Vengeance
And the blood of Man is the Spirit of Vengeance
And the Power of Man is the Power of the Ancient Ones
And this is the Covenant
For, lo! The Elder Gods possess the Sign
By which the Powers of the Ancient Ones are turned back
But Man possesses the Sign
And the Number
And the Shape
To summon the Blood of his Parents.
And this is the Covenant.
Created by the Elder Gods
From the Blood of the Ancient Ones
Man is the Key by which
The Gate if IAK SAKKAK may be flung wide
By which the Ancient Ones
Seek their Vengeance
Upon the face of the Earth
Against the Offspring of MARDUK.
For what is new
Came from that which is old
And what is old
Shall replace that which is new
And once again the Ancient Ones
Shall rule upon the face of the Earth!
And this is too the Covenant!
Of the Sleep of ISHTAR
Queen of Heaven
Bright Light of Nights
Mistress of the Gods
Set her mind in that direction
From Above she set her mind,
To Below she set her mind
From the Heavens she set forth
To the Abyss
Out of the Gates of the Living
To enter the Gates of Death
Out of the Lands we know
Into the Lands we know not
To the Land of No Return
To the Land of Queen ERESHKIGAL
ISHTAR, Queen of Heavens, she set her mind
ISHTAR, Daughter of SIN, she set forth
To the Black Earth, the Land of CUTHA
She set forth
To the House of No Return she set her foot
Upon the Road whence None Return
She set her foot
To the Cave, forever unlit
Where bowls of clay are heaped upon the alter
Where bowls of dust are the food
Of residents clothed only in wings
To ABSU ISHTAR set forth.
Where sleeps the dread CUTHALU
ISHTAR set forth.
The Watcher
Stood fast.
The Watcher
Stood fast.
And ISHTAR spoke unto him
NINNGHIZHIDDA! Serpent of the Deep!
NINNGHIZHIDDA! Horned Serpent of the Deep!
NINNGHIZHIDDA! Plumed Serpent of the Deep!
Open the Door that I may enter!
NINNGHIZHIDDA, Spirit of the Deep, Watcher of the Gate, Remember!
In the Name of our Father before the Flight, ENKI, Lord and Master of Magicians
Open the Door that I may enter!
Lest I attack the Door
Lest I break apart its bars
Lest I attack the Barrier
Lest I take its walls by force
Open the Door
Open Wide the Gate
Lest I cause the Dead to rise!
I will raise up the Dead!
I will cause the Dead to rise and devour the living!
Open the Door
Lest I cause the Dead to outnumber the Living!
NINNGHIZHIDDA, Spirit of the Deep, Watcher of the Gate, Open!
The Great Serpent
Coiled back on itself
And answered
Queen among the Gods
I go before my Mistress
Before the Queen of Death
I will announce Thee.
Horned Serpent
Approached the Lady ERESHKIGAL
And said:
Behold, ISHTAR, Thy Sister
Queen among the Gods
Stands before the Gate!
Daughter of SIN, Mistress of ENKI
She waits.
And ERESHKIGAL was pale with fear.
The Dark Waters stirred.
Go, Watcher of the Gate.
Go, NINNGHIZHIDDA, Watcher of the Gate,
Open the Door to ISHTAR
And treat Her as it is written
In the Ancient Covenant.
And NINNGHIZHIDDA loosed the bolt from the hatch
And Darkness fell upon ISHTAR
The Dark Waters rose and carried the Goddess of Light
To the Realms of the Night.
And the Serpent spoke:
Queen of Heaven of the Great Above
That KUR may rejoice
That CUTHA may give praise
That KUTU may smile.
That KUTULU may be pleased at Thy presence
And ISHTAR entered.
And there are Seven gates and Seven Decrees.
At the First Gate
NINGHIZHIDDA removed the Crown
The Great Crown of Her head he took away
And ISHTAR asked
Why, Serpent, has thou removed my First Jewel?
And the Serpent answered
Thus is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Rules of the Lady of KUTU.
Enter the First Gate.
And the Second Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Wand
The Wand of Lapis Lazuli he took away
And ISHTAR asked
Why, NETI, has thou removed my Second Jewel?
And NETI answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time
The Decrees of the Lady of KUTU.
Enter the Second Gate.
At the Third Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Jewels around her neck he took away
And ISHTAR asked
Why, Gatekeeper, has thou removed my Third Jewel?
And the Gatekeeper answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Decrees of the Lady of KUTU
Enter the Third Gate.
At the Fourth Gate
NINGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Jewels on her breast he took away
And ISHTAR asked
Why, Guardian of the Outer, has thou removed my Fourth Jewel?
And the Guardian answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Rules of the Lady of KUTU.
Enter the Fourth Gate.
At the Fifth Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Belt of Jewels around her hips he took away
And ISHTAR asked
Why, Watcher of the Forbidden Entrance, hast thou removed my Fifth Jewel?
And the Watcher answered
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Rules of the Lady of KUTUK.
Enter the Fifth Gate.
At the Sixth Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Jewels around her wrists
And the Jewels around her ankles he took away.
And ISHTAR asked
Why, NINNKIGAL, hast thou removed my Sixth Jewel?
And NINKIGAL answered
Thus it is, the ancient Covenant, set down before Time,
The Decrees of Lady of KUTU.
Enter the Sixth Gate.
At the Seventh Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels
The Jewelled Robes of ISHTAR he took away.
ISHTAR, without protection, without safety,
ISHTAR, without talisman or amulet, asked
Why, Messenger of the Ancient Ones, hast thou removed my Seventh Jewel?
And the Messenger of the Ancient Ones replied
Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time,
The Rules of the Lady of KUTU.
Enter the Seventh Gate and behold the Nether World.
ISHTAR had descended to the Land of KUR
To the Depths of CUTHA she went down.
Having lost her Seven Talisman of the Upper Worlds
Having lost her Seven Powers of the Land of the Living
Without Food of Life or Water of Life
She appeared before ERESHKIGAL, Mistress of Death.
ERESHKIGAL screamed at Her presence.
ISHTAR raised up Her arm.
The Magician NAMMTAR
Saying these words she spoke to him
Go! Imprison her!
Bind her in Darkness!
Chain her in the Sea below the Seas!
Release against her the Seven ANNUNNAKI!
Release against her the Sixty Demons!
Against her eyes, the demons of the eyes!
Against her sides, the demons of the sides!
Against her heart, the demons of the heart!
Against her feet, the demons of the feet!
Against her head, the demons of the head!
Against her entire body, the demons the KUR!
And the demons tore at her, from every side.
And the ANNUNAKI, Dread Judges
Seven Lords of the Underworld
Drew Around Her
Faceless Gods of ABSU
They stared
Fixed her with the Eye of Death
With the Glance of Death
They killed her
And hung her like a corpse from a stake
The sixty demons tearing her limbs from her sides
Her eyes from her head
Her ears from her skull.
ERESHKIGAL rejoiced.
Blind AZAG-THOTH rejoiced
IAK SAKKAK rejoiced
KUTULU rejoiced
The MASKIM gave praise to the Queen of Death
The GIGIM gave praise to ERESHKIGAL, Queen of Death.
And the Elder Ones were rent with fear.
Our Father ENKI
Lord of Magick
Receiving word by NINSHUBUR
He hears of ISHTAR's Sleep
In the House of Death
He hears how GANZIR has been
How the Face of Abyss
Opened wide its mouth
And swallowed the Queen of Heaven
Queen of the Rising of the Sun.
And ENKI summoned forth clay
And ENKI summoned forth wind
And from the clay and from the wind
ANKI fashioned two Elementals
He fashioned the KURGARRU, spirit of the Earth,
He fashioned the KALATURRU, spirit of the Seas,
To the KURGARRU he gave the Food of Life
To the KALATURRU he gave the Water of Life
And to these images he spoke aloud
Arise, KALATURRU, Spirit of the Seas
Arise, and set thy feet to that Gate GANZIR
To the Gate of the Underworld
The Land of No Return
Set thine eyes
The Seven Gates shall open for thee
No spell shall keep thee out
For my Number is upon you.
Take the bag of the Food of Life
Take the bag of the Water of Life
And ERESHKIGAL shall not raise her arm against you
Find the corpse of INANNA
Find the corpse of ISHTAR our Queen
And sprinkle the Food of Life, Sixty Times
And sprinkle the Water of Life, Sixty Times
Sixty Times the Food of Life and the Water of Life
Sprinkle upon her body
And truly
ISHTAR will rise.
With giant wings
And scales like serpents
The two elementals flew to that Gate
NINNGHIZHIDDA saw them not
They passes the Seven Watchers
With haste they entered the Palace of Death
And they beheld several terrible sights.
The demons of all the Abyss lay there
Dead but Dreaming, they clung to the walls
Of the House of Death
Faceless and terrible
The ANNUNAKI stared out
Blind and Mad AZAG-THOTH reared up
The Eye on the Throne opened
The Dark Waters stirred
The Gates of Lapis Lazuli glistened
In the darkness
Unseen Monsters
Spawned at the Dawn of Ages
Spawned in the Battle of MARDUK and TIAMAT
Spawned in HUBUR
With the Sign of HUBUR
Lead by KINGU . . .
With haste they fled
Through the Palace of Death
Stopping only at the corpse of ISHTAR
The Beautiful Queen
Mistress of the Gods
Lady of all the Harlots of UR
Bright Shining One of the Heavens
Beloved of ENKI
Lay hung and bleeding
From a thousand fatal wounds.
Sensing their presence
Cried out.
Armed with Fire
Looked upon the Queen of Corpses
with the Ray of Fire
Armed with Flame
Looked upon the Queen of the Graves
With the Rays of Flame.
Mighty in CUTHA
Turned her face
Upon the corpse of INANNA
Sixty times they sprinkled
The Water of Life of ENKI
Upon the corpse of ISHTAR
Sixty times they sprinkled
The Food of Life of ENKI
Upon the corpse
Hung from a stake
They directed the Spirit of Life
The Dark Waters trembled and roiled.
AZAG-THOTH screamed upon his throne
CUTHALU lurched forth from his sleep
ISHNIGARRAB fled the Palace of Death
IAK SAKKAK trembled in fear and hate
The ANNUNNAKI fled their thrones
The Eye upon the Throne took flight
ERESHKIGAL roared and summoned NAMMTAR
The Magician NAMMRAR she called
But not for pursuit
But for protection.
INANNA ascended from the Underworld.
With the winged elementals she fled the Gates
Of GANZIR and NETI she fled
And verily
The Dead fled ahead of her.
When through the First Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jewelled robes.
When through the Second Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jewelled bracelets.
When through the Third Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jewelled belt.
When through the Fourth Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jewelled necklace.
When through the Fifth Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her Belt of Jewels.
When through the Sixth Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her Wand of Lapis
When through the Seventh Gate they fled
ISHTAR took back her jewelled crown.
And the Demons rose
And the Spirits of the Dead
And went with her out of the Gates
Looking neither right nor left
Walking in front and behind
They went with ISHTAR from the Gate of GANZIR
Out of the Netherworld they accompanied her
Scorned Queen of the Abyss Wherein All Are Drowned Pronounced a Curse
Solemn and Powerful
Against the Queen of the Rising of the Sun
And NAMMTAR gave it form.
When the Lover of ISHTAR
Beloved of the Queen of Heaven
Goes down before me
Goes through the Gate of GANZIR
To the House of Death
When with him the wailing people come
The weeping woman and the wailing man
When DUMUZI is slain and buried
Stoop not down, therefore,
Unto the Darkly Shining World
Where the ABSU lies in Dark Waters
And CUTHALU sleeps and dreams
Stoop not down, therefore,
For an Abyss lies beneath the World
Reached by a descending Ladder
That hath Seven Steps
Reached by a descending Pathway
That hath Seven Gates
And therein is established
The Throne
Of an Evil and Fatal Force.
For from the Cavities of the World
Leaps forth the Evil Demon
The Evil God
The Evil Genius
The Evil Ensnarer
The Evil Phantom
The Evil Devil
The Evil Larvae
Showing no true Signs
Unto mortal Man.